Lorenz Diener, Tanja Schultz
Investigating Objective Intelligibility in Real-Time EMG-to-Speech Conversion (Lorenz Diener, Tanja Schultz), at INTERSPEECH 2018 – 19th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, September 2018
Bibtex Entry:
title = {Investigating Objective Intelligibility in Real-Time EMG-to-Speech Conversion},
author = {Lorenz Diener and Tanja Schultz},
year = 2018,
month = sep,
booktitle = {{INTERSPEECH} 2018 -- 19th Annual Conference of the International Speech
Communication Association},
abstract = {This paper presents an analysis of the influence of various system parameters on
the output quality of our neural network based real-time EMG-to-Speech conversion system. This
EMG-to-Speech system allows for the direct conversion of facial surface electromyographic
signals into audible speech in real time, allowing for a closed-loop setup where users get
direct audio feedback. Such a setup opens new avenues for research and applications through
co-adaptation approaches. In this paper, we evaluate the influence of several parameters on the
output quality, such as time context, EMG-Audio delay, network-, training data- and Mel
spectrogram size. The resulting output quality is evaluated based on the objective output
quality measure STOI.},
url = {https://halcy.de/cites//pdf/diener2018investigating.pdf},